When are probiotics are beneficial to use?
Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria that naturally occur in the gut, aid digestion and nutrient absorption, support immune function, and keep infections at bay.
However, probiotics can only accomplish these functions if there are enough of them in your gut. If they have been sufficiently depleted, symptoms will start showing up in different ways. Here are the indications that you might be suffering from a bacterial imbalance and need to increase your probiotic intake.
Number one: you have recently ingested antibiotics.
Taking antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections can disrupt the balance of gut microbes because they kill all microbes, including the beneficial ones. So if you’ve recently taken a course of antibiotics, you may well have wiped out your gut flora.
Seriously consider taking probiotics to re-establish healthy flora.

Number two: you are susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTI’s) or yeast infections.
If you have a history of yeast infections, it could be due to an imbalance in your bacterial flora.
A lack of good bacteria can cause yeast to overgrow, which can lead to candida infections. Candida is a very opportunistic microbe known to cause infections in the mouth, gut, and vagina in women.
Alternatively, recurrent urinary tract infections could indicate a bacterial imbalance—in which case adding probiotics to your diet may help. Fermented foods are the best source of probiotics but their concentration of beneficial bacteria might not be enough if you have depleted your gut flora.
Start by choosing a high quality probiotic supplement as part of nutritional therapy, then include fermented probiotic-rich foods in your diet regularly as a preventative measure.
Number three: you have asthma or suffer from allergies.
Research suggests that people with balanced gut flora are less prone to allergies and asthma. Probiotics may help those with asthma by reducing asthmatic symptoms and the need for medication.
Food allergies are frequently caused by leaky gut, which can be alleviated by maintaining healthy gut flora.

Number four: you have unstable moods.
A recent study has found that an imbalance in beneficial gut bacteria is related to stress, worry, irritability and depression. Probiotics can help with these common mood disorders by supporting and promoting the functioning of neurotransmitters and thereby improving your mood.
Number five: you are prone to migraines.
Research suggests that the prevalence of migraines has been linked to changes in gut bacteria.
Experts believe that this is due to a condition known as leaky gut, a problem in which toxins from the gut derived from bad bacteria seep into the bloodstream causing inflammation. This can trigger migraine headaches by activating pain receptors in the trigeminal nerve, and probiotics can help maintain and strengthen the intestinal barrier which can prevent a leaky gut.
Probiotics also increase production of serotonin, a positive mood enhancing hormone that helps relieve and prevent migraines.
Number six: you are often ill.
Probiotics are a godsend for people with common health problems, who often also suffer from seasonal infections.
Recent evidence suggests that probiotics can equip the body with all the defence it needs to fight off infections; moreover, they can strengthen the immune system’s ability to identify and eliminate unwelcome foreign microbes and unhealthy bacteria in the body.
Number seven: you have one or more skin conditions.
If you have a skin problem like acne, eczema, hives, or psoriasis, it’s likely due to poor digestion and imbalance in gut bacteria. Probiotics can help with this, but it’s also important to clean up your diet.
Bad bacteria feed on sugars and sugary carbohydrates, so drastically reducing their food supply is the best way to speed up their elimination from the body.
Number eight: you have food poisoning.
An upset stomach or food poisoning is usually caused by bad bacteria that have made their way into your body. A regular intake of probiotics can help your digestive system recover from the shock and will set up a defence against all unhealthy bacteria.

Number nine: you have digestive issues.
People who have been experiencing digestive problems may find relief by adding a probiotic supplement to their diet. Studies show that probiotics have the power to help with digestive problems ranging from gas and diarrhea to inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), Crohn’s disease and even H.pylori infection.
In many cases, simply adding these beneficial bacteria will alleviate symptoms and eliminate the need for additional treatments.
Wrap up.
We have been shown that internal gut bacteria is responsible for much of the condition of human health.
An imbalance of the right type of bacteria or a huge reduction of microbes in the gut can throw us off health-wise quite considerably. The liberal use of antibiotics, for example, causes this type of flora imbalance.
Fortunately, we have the option of reintroducing and re-balancing the internal bacterial environment through the use of probiotics.
Probiotics can be introduced through the diet with foods such as yogurt, fermented tofu and some cheeses. There are also pills and powders that can be bought from pharmacies and health food stores.