The ten best foods to boost brain power and improve memory.
Your brain.
That mighty organ which runs continuously and processes more and faster than the world’s most powerful supercomputers, comprises of only 2 % of your body weight. Yet it burns 20 % of the calories you consume.
When you optimize the nutrients you supply to your brain, you will find that you can think better, sharper and faster. Your intuition will be on point and you will be better equipped to handle life.
The following list of foods will show you exactly which are best for brain optimization without having to be too careful about how much of them you eat. How you handle stress, complex tasks and challenging situations are all greatly affected by your brain’s nutritional profile. Also your ability to relax, modulate your mood and even sleep will improve by eating the following foods:
Number 1: Blueberries.

Blueberries are a potent source of antioxidants which protect the brain from oxidative stress and the sort of damage that can lead to reduced cognitive function, Alzheimers and dementia. Flavonoids found within blueberries are known to improve the connection between neurons. Blueberries improve your brain in these areas:
- numerical agility
- verbal communication
- language comprehension
- reasoning
- learning
- decision-making
- improved memory
Number 2: Coconut Oil.
MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are a healthy form of fat that the body uses for energy, reserving glucose for the brain. These are abundant in coconut oil. It’s also been shown to have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, regulate blood sugar and control cholesterol. The circulatory system is vital for brain health so if this is in a good state, your brain will naturally benefit.
As well as blueberries, Coconut oil has been shown to be a strong ally in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia, in part due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Number 3: Avocado.
Avocados contain generous amounts of vitamin K and potassium, both of which protect the brain from the risk of getting a stroke.
Edible fats of all types are vital to the health of the brain and avocados contain high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats have the effect of lowering cholesterol. They promote blood flow to the cerebral cortex and help the body to take in and use antioxidants.
As with most plant foods, avocados are packed with their own antioxidants; including vitamin E which protect the cells of the body and brain from damage caused by free-radical ions .
Number 4: Nuts.

The nut that most resembles a brain in its shape, is one of the best nutritionally for the the organ.
Walnuts, along with almonds, contain some of the best brain supporting nutrients on earth.
They do wonders for the nervous system as well.
Nuts are a fantastic source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin b6 and vitamin E.
Remember, vitamin E has been shown to improve brain power and shield against dementia by protecting the brain and body from free radical ions.
Nuts naturally contain a high amount of phytic acid. Some of the phytic acid in nuts can be broken down by soaking them in water to “activate” them, and then dehydrating them at a low temperature.
This process removes only a small amount of phytates, so many people don’t find it worth doing.
Number 5: Seeds.
Particularly good for the old noggin are sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. These seeds contain a concentrated makeup of omega fatty acids , B vitamins and protein. They are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid which the brain uses to make serotonin. Serotonin is a neuro-chemical that regulates and elevates mood and keeps depression at bay. Enhanced thinking skills and memory are added to the benefits of eating a small packet of seeds every day, due to the zinc content. Sprouted seeds, done by soaking for a short time, have even greater health benefits.
Number 6: Beets.
One way to increase cerebral power naturally is through the consumption of beets, which contain nitrates that help increase blood flow to parts of the brain related to executive functioning. Beets also contain vitamin B9, which may help improve cognitive functioning and delay dementia. Also carotenoids found in beets are known to boost brain functioning and and work on relieving depression.
Number 7: Quinoa.
Quinoa provides glucose, the brain’s main fuel, in a controlled manner due to its composition of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Quinoa is rich in iron and B vitamins, which help keep the blood oxygenated and benefit mood respectively. It’s a blood sugar regulator and also gluten free which is a benefit to those with gluten intolerance. In keeping with most seeds, grains and nuts quinoa is best soaked for several hours at least before cooking.
Number 8: Broccoli.

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family which includes kolrabi, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. They all provide similar benefits to one another.
Broccoli is one of the best foods to boost brainpower and improve your memory. Its rich potassium benefits the entire nervous system, of which the brain is king.
It also contains large amounts of calcium, vitamin C, B vitamins, iron, beta-carotene, fiber and vitamin K (which the brain absolutely loves).
These nutrients work in synergy to protect against free radical damage. They remove heavy metals that are damaging to the entire body and they maintain proper blood circulation. Research has shown that broccoli can help contribute to brain healing in the event of an injury.
This is particularly powerful because it comes from a vegetable, not a pharmaceutical drug.
Number 9: Legumes.
Legumes are legitimate head fuel. A fantastic source of fiber and complex carbohydrates which regulate the supply of glucose to the bloodstream and brain.
Sugar spikes and crashes which are associated with many other sugar sources are all but eliminated. Legumes also contain the B vitamin folate, a nutrient essential to healthy cerebral function.
Number 10: Mint.

Studies have shown that the aroma of mint alone is enough to prompt memory and give alertness a boost.
Eating mint helps with neuro-plasticity and provides vitamin A and vitamin C.
It should be noted that vitamin A must be treated with respect as too much of it can be literally deadly (though you would need enormous amounts of mint to reach dangerous levels of vitamin A).
If you are doing any task such as typing or something which requires memorizing information, then you will enjoy the company of a cup of fresh mint tea.
Wrap Up.
Cognitive health is easily taken care of to a great degree by paying attention to what you eat . If you adhere to a healthy, balanced diet that includes most or all of these 10 brain-optimizing foods then you will keep your concentration, focus and memory in the best state possible.
You can also get a list of brain-boosting foods by downloading the free ebook.